What is the best way to break up?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

mike vick...eat a dick!

You read the title? So, then I can assume that you know how I feel about him right? Good! Well now that I know that the people reading this aren't complete morons I can continue with my rant...

I could care less if he is able to play in the NFL. He don't play for the Oakland Raiders so his "career" is of no concern of mine. When his "little" scandal was the talk of the town I lost alot of good friends. I guess you learn who your real friends are, when people you dont know fuck up huh?

Anyway, the ones I lost said I was taking it too personal, that they are just animals. WTF WTF WTF?! So sorry that living creatures with ALL yes ALL of the same organs that we have dont have the same value on life as we do. Guess we can tell who were slave owners in their past lives huh?

Oh yeah I compare insensitive animal abusers to slave owners. Listen to their feelings towards animals, dont it sound like a white man talking bout blacks? Sure they look different, cant speak how we do, have there own way of life that we dont understand, and if treated unfairly either attack or crumble under pressure. Sound like something we've heard before right? Take your time next time you talk to someone who feels beating a dog is ok. Ask them why. Bet you'll agree with me. Now I am not some P.E.T.A. activist, who doesnt eat meat because yes I do.

Basically all I have to say about vick and others like him, FUCK YOU! Get a fucking life, a new hobby I mean seriously. With all the money you have, the good you can do for the fucking world, you choose to fucking kill dogs? Seem a little bitch like to me. Wanna fuck with something that cant fuck with you back on your level? Punk ass. Toss this nigga in the ring with some UFC fighters. A little bully beatdown. MTv, bet you'll get hella viewers. This is not a testament saying Imma whoop his ass or, that I can, I am a female that'd just be stupid.

But if someone tied his ass to a chair and gave me a mask, OH HUNNTEY YES! I would let his ass have it. Honestly, I think I'd beat him to death. I'm just being honest. The truth shall set you free. Lol.

Ok yeah I kind of went off the whole reason why I wanted to write this blog. Ok so they say that when Vick returned to the NFL it didnt go how some had planned. No protesters, no death threats. Honestly though, us animal rights people just give a fuck about the animals. Unless it involves him running with his dog leashed to his pants up and down the field, we really dont care what he does in the NFL. I just hope that he is really fucking sorry, and that in his after life he has to completely reap what he did. Paying some punk ass fine, doing a little jail time, not being able to own a dog for a few years really is shit when you think about it.

Maybe put him in a pin, with the same amount of dogs he killed (only let thime be like bears or something he cant easily win against) and lets let them have at him. Put a child relative of his in the pin with an adult wolf, and see if that seems fair. Hope he comes back reincarnated as one of the dogs he killed. Hey wouldnt that be nice?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

shitty ass cops....seriously?

Deputies shoot and kill car-theft suspect:
A suspected car thief was shot and killed by Contra Costa County sheriff's deputies in Bay Point after he tried to ram them, the second fatal incident involving deputies within a week, authorities said today.
The man, a wanted parolee whose name wasn't immediately released, was shot near Surf View Drive and Marina Road at about 9:45 p.m. Wednesday, said Jimmy Lee, sheriff's spokesman.
Two deputies went to the unincorporated area to investigate what turned out to be a Honda that had been reported stolen on Tuesday. When they approached, the driver tried to ram them, Lee said. Both deputies, fearing for their lives, fired their guns, killing the man. A passenger in the car was uninjured.
One of the deputies was treated for a leg injury and was released.
The deputies have been placed on paid administrative leave pending investigations by the sheriff's office and prosecutors.
In a separate incident Thursday, a sheriff's deputy shot and killed a restaurant manager near Martinez who had duct-taped a knife to his wrist, Lee said. Roger McComb, 46, a manager at the restaurant Esin on Camino Ramon in Danville, had cut himself on the arm and left a suicide note before walking toward two deputies, Lee said.

video: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/09/24/BAOI19S26C.DTL&feed=rss.bayarea

And now for my response...WTF!!!!! All i really have to say is, are you fucking kidding me. I live bout a half a second a way from bay point, and it is BORING as hell out here, definitely aint one of the more "dangerous" areas like oakland or richmond, so tell me how the hell shit like this happens twice?

Cause its boring out here. If I'm bored I'm sure the cops are bored, and the smallest bit of action they get I guarantee you they gonna be all over it. Starting with this shooting of the theft suspect. I love how the spokesperson tries to make you feel that in some way the cops are the victims.

"the driver tried to ram them, Lee said. Both deputies, fearing for their lives, fired their guns, killing the man"

A car theft suspect, not a murder suspect, not an escaped con, A FUCKING CAR THEIF! IN A FUCKING HONDA! STOLEN THE DAY BEFORE! Wtf are you serious have you seen a honda compared to a fucking cop car? seriously?

dont cop cars have that damn bumper rammer thing on the front anyway? but you honestly want me to believe that these two trained professionals feared for there life? either they lying or the precinct is slacking in the hiring and training of these individuals. wtf you scared for nigga? you are more equipped to handle a situation like this then he is!

and then if they were walking nigga instead of trying to avoid getting hit, im gonna stand infront of the vehicle and open fire? i thought it was protect and serve blah blah blah...the last resort should be killing. immobilizing yes, taking down ok, but shooting through the window obviously? we couldnt take out a tire i mean damn...now this mans family suffers cause these cops weren't satisfies with the city they work in.

HELL PUT THESE NIGGAS AND THE NIGGA THAT KILLED OSCAR GRANT ON THE FUCKING BORDER! Not saying I want them to kill mexicans or any other immigrant coming illegaly, just saying they'd think twice before doing it.

second, the we gonna kill a man with a knife taped to his arm? kill him? really? dont ya'll niggas got guns? again is this really the force that needed to be used? honda - cop car, knife - gun, mase, tazer, night stick, physical training? not trying to be an ass just saying. and to find out he had a suicide note!!!!! he wanted to die so instead of negotiating, taking him down like you are supposed to, you kill him. i guess this one aint that bad cause atleast the guy got what he wanted right? wtf ever how bout we take the guards down off the bridge and everyone who wants to jump, we just line em up and let all the convicted serial killers have at em!

im done so pissed, so bored, goodbye....

"i'm not single, i'm somebodys' ex"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lmao Rofl...

So while doing one of my runs through yahoo most popular news i came across a story that didnt make me mad like so many of the other responders it, infact, i burst out in a laugh in the computer center.

if you're too lazy to go read...its about people whoopin strangers kids. a man slapped a two year old in the face in walmart for cryin hella much! sorry but that shit is hillarious! being honest i know that if i would've seen it i would've fell out laughing. sure maybe later i would have felt terrible, thought the man was fucked up for doing it but really....lets all be real two year olds are hella fucking annoying at times. we all know that even after the situation they like to drag tears and whines and hella shit on, no i have never whooped a child for crying or dragging it on but i have wanted to.

anyway so alot of people are saying it was fine for him to hit the baby cause the mother should have had better control, and the response to that is that people who feel this way are only saying it because they have no kids.

my feelings on the matter....there have been too many times where i have wanted to punch a child in the face for doing something unnecessary, but i never have. shit do what i do and redirect that anger to the parent. like little kids that dont watch where they are running and they smack into you or keep running into your walking path, i always say a smart ass comment to offend the parent.

because i think that a childs behavior whether intentional or not it is the direct result of the parents. beat em at home and maybe next time a stranger wont have to step in and discipline your bad ass child. lmao no no thats not nice, but really....bet that two year old wont do that shit next time! so in a way the parent should be happy that what she obviously couldnt accomplish on her own, has been taught to her child....and completely free.

yes i would be mad if it was my child but granted, before anyone has a chance to slap my two year he/she will have already been slapped and/or cussed out! beginnning at six months im starting basic training...

well im done for today gonna go run my mouth...


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If work were a camping trip...WTF!?!

If work were a camping trip, you'd be in charge of the grill. Why? For one thing, everybody trusts you when it comes to handling fire. You can light it, you can keep it burning, you can make sure it doesn't get so big that is sets the paper plates and tablecloths on fire. Further, people trust you to distribute the hot dogs fairly, equitably and fully cooked. Yep, it's no wonder you're the office equivalent of the grill chef -- who else is as trustworthy as you?

Horoscope for today...what do i think? I must admit that when i first read it I was extremely flattered. People need me? Im counted on? Nigga I'm cooking the mutha fuckin food! Aww yeah that makes sense I been doing hella shit for my sister...who's watching me? I aint getting paid and barely anyone knows Im even the one behind all of it. God? Is that you? Lmao we never talk, well not unless Im hella scared and see a big ass dog or something. So I smiled and saved it to my inspirational thoughts book.
Then as usual my overthinking ass ruined it for myself. If work were a camping trip? I dont have a job, I am indeed unemployed...still getting money one way or another but still. Instead of making me feel even tempered, fair, and having great organizational skills and this is why people love me....i made it do the opposite. Now I am sitting here feeling like somewhat of a shit because, does this mean that i actually am not counted as much as i like to believe? that would explain alot lately... this shit is crazy kind of a cruel joke dont you think? By some divine power I havent checked my horoscope for hella long and to day I see this one. One that is so not straight to the point, atleast not for me.
As obsessive as i am over the LITERAL meaning of things, why do I do this shit to myself? As much as it irritates me that I can rarely take a compliment without questioning its truth and in fact taking it completely literal, I continuously walk into these little walls. Walls of personal conundrums. Lol. I like walking into walls makes sense when I say it now!
So as I sit here and write this now I begin to feel like maybe I should take it for what it is...but wtf is it? Does the meaning change depending on my employment status? Or is it much deeper than that is whatever Im doing important to those around me even when I feel like no one cares? This wont rack my mind all day Im so over stressing for more than an hour over one topic that wont grant me money. Lol!
Im on my way outta here...gonna go tend to the rest
of my work day lol.