What is the best way to break up?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If work were a camping trip...WTF!?!

If work were a camping trip, you'd be in charge of the grill. Why? For one thing, everybody trusts you when it comes to handling fire. You can light it, you can keep it burning, you can make sure it doesn't get so big that is sets the paper plates and tablecloths on fire. Further, people trust you to distribute the hot dogs fairly, equitably and fully cooked. Yep, it's no wonder you're the office equivalent of the grill chef -- who else is as trustworthy as you?

Horoscope for today...what do i think? I must admit that when i first read it I was extremely flattered. People need me? Im counted on? Nigga I'm cooking the mutha fuckin food! Aww yeah that makes sense I been doing hella shit for my sister...who's watching me? I aint getting paid and barely anyone knows Im even the one behind all of it. God? Is that you? Lmao we never talk, well not unless Im hella scared and see a big ass dog or something. So I smiled and saved it to my inspirational thoughts book.
Then as usual my overthinking ass ruined it for myself. If work were a camping trip? I dont have a job, I am indeed unemployed...still getting money one way or another but still. Instead of making me feel even tempered, fair, and having great organizational skills and this is why people love me....i made it do the opposite. Now I am sitting here feeling like somewhat of a shit because, does this mean that i actually am not counted as much as i like to believe? that would explain alot lately... this shit is crazy kind of a cruel joke dont you think? By some divine power I havent checked my horoscope for hella long and to day I see this one. One that is so not straight to the point, atleast not for me.
As obsessive as i am over the LITERAL meaning of things, why do I do this shit to myself? As much as it irritates me that I can rarely take a compliment without questioning its truth and in fact taking it completely literal, I continuously walk into these little walls. Walls of personal conundrums. Lol. I like walking into walls makes sense when I say it now!
So as I sit here and write this now I begin to feel like maybe I should take it for what it is...but wtf is it? Does the meaning change depending on my employment status? Or is it much deeper than that is whatever Im doing important to those around me even when I feel like no one cares? This wont rack my mind all day Im so over stressing for more than an hour over one topic that wont grant me money. Lol!
Im on my way outta here...gonna go tend to the rest
of my work day lol.

1 comment:

  1. Look Chica... ur thinkin WAY TOO DAMN MUCH!!! ... But you already know this. Remember this: NEGATIVITY YIELDS NEGATIVE RESULTS!!! You should already know that too.
    And as for you not having a job... PSSSHT! I don't know what the hell the world (excluding upper class) is thinking. Maintaining and surviving is THE MOST underrated job there is in this life!!! Do you know how HARD it is to make it day to day when shit isn't laid out for you? YES... YOU DO! Why do you think when motha fuckas make it they just wanna kick back and stay low-key... off-the-radar? Because that shit was A STRUGGLE and they TIRED!!! Most of the ones who had it the worst actually LEARNED some DEEP life lessons... it's too many haters in this world. Too many people find joy and false confidence in crushing others' happiness. Misery LOVES company... but you know that too by now.
    Baby girl, you're too smart to keep over-analyzing simple things and twisting the script. You're supposed to be on a self-discovery mission to happiness. But I know how easy it is to get distracted so don't trip... I got ya back (cz what else are besties for, right? lol). This is what you do (read completely before doing):
    *Re-read your horoscope
    * Close your eyes immediately
    *Say this: "Damn, I'm not the boss? That's kind of fucked up! But shit... I'm still in charge! Bosses don't do shit for real anyway. I'm the nigha that keeps the shit running. Yeah, obviously, the most under-appreciated but the most trusted and loyal. I got THE BEST personality! Without me... motha fuckas would be LOST and all fucked up!!!"
    *Open your eyes
    *STOP THINKING and log off!!!
    *Now go look at some funny pics or stories or somethin

    K? GOT IT? DO IT!!!
